
Critical assessment of Alternative investment rule – 2015

There are a number of grounds upon which this ‘Alternative Investment Rule -2015’ can be critically assessed. ‘Alternative investment’ – it is one of the four broader asset classes where portfolio investors can vest their fund. The alternative investment covers private equity investment, venture capital investment, impact fund investment, real estate, hedge fund investment, gold, minerals, forestry and so many other investments with some common characteristics – low liquidity, ambiguous valuation and higher return. Quite surprisingly, alternative investment rule [...]

An Eligible Investor’s Guide to Indirect Investment Vehicles

Eligible investors (EIs) or the angel investors have different choices regarding indirect investment vehicles. Indirect investment vehicles do require some transaction fees and annual management fees, but it provides professional portfolio management services at the cheapest possible price. EIs do not think about the day-to-day movements of underlying assets under the indirect investment vehicles). But investors’ separate tax treatment will not be allowed under the indirect investment vehicles and even more importantly investors lose their discretion over the fund [...]

Characterizing Major Merger Waves

Firstly, I will be talking about the merger and acquisition history of United States of America and secondly I will focus on the major merger waves that kind of propelled and excelled under the regulatory set-up (so, I am assuming that most of the mergers during the 19th century were forceful and executed without taking care of consumer surplus considerations).   The first merger wave took place during 1897 to 1904. Firms merged in order to form monopolies (monopoly is created [...]

A Beginner’s Guide to Pension Fund Framework

When we think about large institutional investors with a careful look into the governance, the first name that comes to our mind is Pension Fund. In developing countries pension fund is considered to be one of the biggest surplus units that provide funds to the needy deficit units on a longer-term basis. But during the 1930’s or during 1040’s – the concept of the pension fund was totally non-existent. In a welfare state whereby the state takes care of [...]

Key Risks under Venture Capital Framework

There are a number of sources from where risks under the venture capital framework can stem from; some of these risks are systematic like macro-economic risk and regulatory risk. But majority of the risks stem from bad management   Under the existing Alternative investment rule – 2015, it has been postulated that the eligible investors will not be able to liquid his or her position before the fund’s tenure. So it is very clear that investment in the venture capital fund [...]